Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Surgery & A1c

So, I have surgery scheduled for later this month.  I can't see.  Well, I can see. I asked the doctor if I can drive and he said yes, absolutely, with my glasses. So I can see, but I can't see like I used to be able to see.  I have cataracts in both eyes and will be having them removed. I'm extremely photosensitive, and glare really bothers me.

On the bright side, I had my pre-op and my EKG was perfect, and I got an almost clean bill of health. Almost, in that my A1c was 5.8, which is the bottom of prediabetes. 5.7 would have been normal.  I was THIS close.

The great news about this, though, is it's proof that type 2 diabetes can be reversed by diet alone.  I haven't taken meds for a very long time, months and months. So yay to that.

The other thing, relatively minor, is that I'm dehydrated. I was told I can drink more water and/or donate blood to normalize.  That's easy enough to fix.

I've been playing around with my macros trying to get the weight loss going, and had I not, I think my A1c would have been in the normal range. Too much protein elevates my glucose.  Live and learn, right?

So I'll be out of the game for a few weeks with exercise post surgery. I'll be able to walk.  We've been out walking a lot, but my weights are missing me.

I must be consistent. Another factor that is huge in lowering glucose is gluteal activation. Squats, floor work, really drop my glucose.  The FIRM volume 1will give me a fasting glucose in the 90s the day after I do it. Same with The FIRM's Lower Body Sculpting. 

I need to get going again. I was really super down about my vision, then went to the doctor (I was scared, not so much down!), and I was NOT expecting to need surgery! I was stunned and I basically sat in a chair with high anxiety for a couple days after. That's no good.  Freeze response, which is my typical maladaptive go-to. I just freeze. 

Time to thaw out.

5.8, no meds. Even though I'm in year 3 of low carb, I'm still pleased as sugar-free punch with that number and no meds.

Anxiety spikes my glucose, and I'm ready for these little surgeries to be over. They're supposed to be one of the safest surgeries performed, use melt anesthesia, and you're conscious throughout (I don't want to see a knife coming at my eye!) But they last about 8 minutes.  

God won't give me more than I can handle. "With God, all things are possible." Praying for a safe surgery, letting go and letting God, and releasing my fear. 

August 6, 2024

 Two "workouts" today. And by workouts, I mean walks.  The first was one mile during the day. It was lovely, cool out, and the air...