Saturday, December 2, 2023

Nice Day for a Walk

 A balmy 35 degrees out, no snow on the ground, only one skiff of ice on the roadway that was in the we took our two dogs out for a good, long walk.

Dopamine and endorphins boosted, and feeling a bit perkier. Excellent source of mood elevation, which is needed during this daylight savings decreased-sun-hell period of time. 

It was a lovely walk, felt good to be in the sun and the fresh air. Mostly, it was fun because our dogs love to go on walks and they're such a joy to watch. 

Not much of a workout, but pleasant mild cardio.  I don't know if I'll hit my home gym or not. Dad always said the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  I have the intentions, but I've yet to embrace that consistent follow through.  I used to, it's a core part of who I am (was) AM. Using present tense as a positive reinforcer.  It will happen. Just gotta get things squared away in my brain and get that habit formed.


  1. I'm having trouble keeping myself motivated. It's cloudy, dreary, snowy down here in south Iowa. Deer hunters are out, just ugh. I need to make myself get up and either hit my spin bike, or treadmill to move today.

    1. We have only had one snow so far, and it was a skiff and it's gone. Unreal for December! I'm having motivation problems, too, mostly from trauma responses, but also from the winter blues. That's one reason I wanted to start this blog, for the motivational factor. I think we will both figure it out! Let's crush it together.


August 6, 2024

 Two "workouts" today. And by workouts, I mean walks.  The first was one mile during the day. It was lovely, cool out, and the air...