Friday, December 1, 2023

Stages of Change

Ready, set, go.  Am I ready?  Are you?  I've always been the type to just do, but I've experienced a lot of trauma in the past several years and that has dulled my get-after-it attitude. I'm building myself up, getting my confidence up, talking myself into this.  My health is important, and this is a must.

So, am I ready? 

Stages of Change (The Transtheoretical Model)

In the field of human behavior, there is a therapeutic model called The Transtheoretical Model, or the stages of change behavioral model.  It focuses on addiction (but applies to other behaviors as well), and lists the stages we the people go through.  Search Prochaska & DiClemente for some good reading on the subject.


Precontemplation (Not Ready)

Contemplation (Getting Ready)

Preparation (Ready)




With health and fitness, the termination would be death!  My goal is to consistently exercise.  

Contemplation is that someone has made the decision to do something; preparation is that they're going to start within 30 days.  I'm in the preparation stage. I have done a couple Joyce workouts, but I'm aiming for consistency.  I'm just about there. 

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August 6, 2024

 Two "workouts" today. And by workouts, I mean walks.  The first was one mile during the day. It was lovely, cool out, and the air...