Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Merry Month of May

I purchased a clearance teacher planner from Erin Condren. I thought I ordered a 9 x 7, but got an 8.5 x 11. Didn't know what I was going to do with it, but I decided to make it my health planner. It IS big. This is my second week using it. I'll use Jan-April next year, just redate it. I really liked it a lot. Great amount of room to write workouts, glucose, events such as the prednisone drama I just encountered, which greatly increased my glucose. I think this planner was a good mistake. I usually cut my planners apart and use a 6-ring binder, but left this on the coil.

Also changing tastes as I grow old(er), more muted colors. I'm a bright color person, but I LOVE these colors. And lilacs, who doesn't love lilacs! Anywho, the weight loss has stopped and I still have some to lose. I am a die-hard for-life low carb person as it reversed my type 2 diabetes, and gave me the best lipid panel I've had as an adult. Zero meds. No going back. But they say (experts & literature review) don't count calories. I think it's time to count both carbs and calories and see if we can't finish this weight loss saga. I think calories matter once you hit a certain point, at least we'll see if that's truly my n=1 story. Dr. Shawn Baker, the Carnivore King, says calories do matter. I've read a few other experts who quietly say that as well.

I also need to bump up my fitness, a LOT. Aging depletes muscles, and I need to build. I know how to do this. I am applying everything I did in 2009-2011 when I was doing pushups on my toes, plus all my research on low carb, insulin resistance, autophagy, etc. Yeah, it's time to bump it up. Life is hard, and it's been pretty f*cking miserable for many years. It may still be miserable in the future, but not doing all that I can will only compound that misery. Exercise releases the feel-good endorphins, so...yeah. Slow and steady, start small, add to the dog and treadmill walks I'm already doing. I was doing Joyce Vedral for awhile, but I stopped and couldn't while recovering from eye surgery.

It's time. But due to my recent shoulder injury (dayum, it hurt!), having to take prednisone which is known to raise glucose, easing into things is better. My glucose was 205 one day and I was livid, stressed, wondering why in the hell they don't give alternative meds that are not known for glucose problems. Well, it's coming back to homeostasis now, slowly but surely. Thank God! I just need to let that all go, and focus on the now and the future.

And I can do it with a pretty planner. And this woman LOVES her Erin Condren planners, Silhouette Portrait 3, and subscription for clipart, backgrounds, papers, etc.

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August 6, 2024

 Two "workouts" today. And by workouts, I mean walks.  The first was one mile during the day. It was lovely, cool out, and the air...