Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Horrid headache again today, traveled into my eyes. I've had these before, when super stressed. Never been officially dx'd with migraine but the ER (several times) has told me they most likely were.

Today's workout was not what I had planned. Instead, I did a 35-minute yin yoga. I also did progressive muscle relaxation for about 20 minutes, which helps decrease stress.  Then I did a yoga nidra, which is a body scan.  All helped, but the headache is still here.

So just ick. No links to the videos, feeling too icky to take the time.

When Christmas is over, I'll be back to normal. December is always a super sad, super stressful month for me. This is nothing new. It happens every year and has since 2008 when dad died.

That's a wrap for today. Going to soak in the tub with epsom salts and lavender oil, then go to bed.

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August 6, 2024

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