Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Hard Times Call for an Emergency Plan

An emergency plan in the face of hard times is a great idea.  I'm working on that myself.  It's been a hard several years, I mean really hard with multiple traumas, some near fatal, and others the kind that crush your heart and soul to a billion pieces. Things like that are difficult to overcome.  Processing emotions is painful.

We're there. Again.  Another death in the family, husband's. My family of origin is all dead. But he had a close extended family, which I did not, and he is feeling it, and I, too, for him, and for his family.

So I haven't worked out since I last posted.  That is NOT the answer.  The emergency plan is this: put your oxygen mask on first.  In this case, the oxygen mask is a good, solid workout.  It releases stress, keeps you healthy, increases all those feel-good chemical, and keeps you on track. Doing normal, every-day routines brings stability during difficult times.

There's always going to be something.  That's what life is. When you least expect it, boom.  So we have to be prepared.

I guess I'm feeling blessed that I figured this out today, as I sat in a saddened, grieving state.  Had I just got up and given an hour, 1/24th of the day, I would have felt so much better.  It's hard, but we can't help others until we are squared away.

So, lesson learned.

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August 6, 2024

 Two "workouts" today. And by workouts, I mean walks.  The first was one mile during the day. It was lovely, cool out, and the air...