Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Metformin--Not So Good

I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at the end of 2021, just after Christmas. I was put on 1000mg Metformin daily.  My goal was to get my glucose under control and get off the Metformin.

Mission accomplished.

The scary thing about any medication is side effects.  I research a lot, and I found that Metformin may induce muscle atrophy.  That was not what I wanted when my goal was/is muscle growth.

"Metformin (0.01–2 mM) increased the level of myostatin protein in a dose‐dependent and time‐dependent manner (Figure ​1C1C and ​and1D).1D). These results indicate that metformin may induce muscle atrophy in physiological low dose ranges of metformin, as well as high doses of metformin. Metformin is a biguanide."

Kang MJ, Moon JW, Lee JO, Kim JH, Jung EJ, Kim SJ, Oh JY, Wu SW, Lee PR, Park SH, Kim HS. Metformin induces muscle atrophy by transcriptional regulation of myostatin via HDAC6 and FoxO3a. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2022 Feb;13(1):605-620. doi: 10.1002/jcsm.12833. Epub 2021 Nov 2. PMID: 34725961; PMCID: PMC8818615.

A big part of my lifestyle is eating a very low carbohydrate, medium protein, and high fat diet.  The American Diabetes Association endorsed this in 2018, and continues to do so.  One of their caveats is that it may be hard to adhere to.  That is said by the same institution who shares recipes on social media loaded with sugar.  Sugar is the root of metabolic disorder, insulin resistance, Type 2 Diabetes.  My reality is that this is a VERY easy diet to follow.  I wasn't happy that I had to give up my former way of eating at first, but I was even more unhappy with a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes, morbid obesity, and the negative health ramifications that coincide with both.  So I weighed it out, and researched the literature like crazy, embraced the ideology, and adopted.  This is an evidence-based approach that is proven to work. 

In the course of my research, I found the late Dr. Sarah Hallberg. She was the medical director of Virta Health, "the first clinically-proven treatment to safely and sustainably reverse type 2 diabetes without medications or surgery."   I watched every video I could find with Dr. Sarah, took notes, and applied.  The greatest, most powerful message I took away from her was a single sentence. I cannot cite the link because I don't remember where I saw/read it, but it stung me, sucker-punched me, and shook my core.  This sentence was and is so powerful to me.

"Why medicate our food."

Why, indeed.  Four powerful little words that enabled me to embrace this lifestyle.  

I started, and have never looked back.  January 2024 starts my third year of being LCHF (low carb high fat), keto, ketovore, and carnivore.  I prefer an animal-based diet as I have far fewer skin issues than when I eat veg.  

I've been off metformin for over six months, and I'm doing great. Now the only thing that truly increases my glucose is stress. 

Do I still eat sugar?  A very minute amount. I usually have a square of Ghirardelli's 86 chocolate after a meal. One square has 4g carbs.  That's actually a high number in my world, and my greatest source of carb intake. I toy with stopping, but for now I'll hang on.  My goal is to have an average glucose of 83, which is said to be the normal, healthy number.  I'm not there yet.  Perhaps giving up the square will get me there, or perhaps consistent exercise will.  

I do not feel deprived. I eat real, whole food which is highly palatable and satiating to me. I rarely go to restaurants.  I'd rather eat in a way that is healthiest to my body, which is not deprivation at all.  Sometimes I dream of sourdough bread fresh out of the toaster with melting butter.  It's a pleasant memory.  My biggest dream is increasing my health and longevity.

So as I embark on 2024, I will continue with my way of eating, and grab that "consistency" bull by the horn with my workouts. It's time to build muscle and finish getting this fat off my body.

Everything is possible.


Sidenote: I share what works for me. Everyone has the right and responsibility to choose what works for them. Making educated decisions by reading peer-reviewed, evidence-based literature is the best way to formulate your plan of attack. You do you, I'll do me, and we'll call it a day.  This works for me, and a multitude of others, so I'm just sharing a highly-effective, healthy tool from my toolbox. 

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August 6, 2024

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